Not Much Going On
We have not had much going on for the last couple of days, and that’s okay, too. Every day can’t be a round of sightseeing and adventuring. Sometimes the quiet times are the best ones. We had hoped to...
View ArticleAll Washed Up
After months of nursing it along, last summer the Splendide washer/dryer combo that came with our motorhome when it was built in 2002 gave up the ghost and we went to RV Parts Nation in Elkhart,...
View ArticleDragons And Inkles
Longtime readers may remember that I tried to use Dragon Dictate speech to text software to write my books off and on for over three years on my iMac and found it a total waste of time. It was so slow...
View ArticleRainy Day Writing
There’s no better way to spend a cold rainy day then writing, and yesterday was a perfect day for it. It never got above the low 50s and it rained off and on until sometime in the late afternoon. The...
View ArticleWriting And Weaving
We’ve been on the go a lot lately so we spent the weekend at home writing (me) and weaving (Miss Terry). I did nearly 7,000 words on my new Big Lake book and it’s all starting to come together for the...
View ArticleGeocaching – The Perfect RV Hobby!
Combining outdoor activity, the kind of technical toys that all guys love, low entry costs, exercise, and opportunities all over the country, geocaching may very well be the perfect hobby/sport for...
View ArticleKissing Cousins?
Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I used to go to family reunions just to pick up girls. But hey, if it happens it happens, right? I know, you’re asking yourself what the heck this has to do with...
View ArticleRVing With A Goal
Note: The blog is based upon the seminar by the same name that I present at RV rallies around the country. Why do you RV? To visit friends and family in far off places? To have your own mobile lodging...
View ArticleRich To The Rescue
In a blog post the other day titled Finally Got It Wet, I wrote about our first outing with our Bennington pontoon boat. I also shared that while our time on the water was very nice, we ran into a...
View ArticleHobbies For RVers
More than once I have had people ask me what fulltime RVers do to occupy their time when not actually on the road traveling. So I dusted off a blog post from 2015 that covers some of the many hobbies...
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